Category Archives: snippets



This is not a new issue to the community, but as a new scan group, this is new experience for me and frustrating as hell.

If you come across this website either through random google, from mangaupdates, batoto or even the cursed Mangafox & etc other NOEZ’s leeching manga sites (mangareader, mangahere, whatever shit MANGA[insertfuckingnamehere]), I would just like to tell state that for now, there are only two ways to read Paperdolls’ scanlation.

1. You download them through this website, which is the home of Paperdolls Project. 
2. You read them through is the only online manga reading site that is supported by Paperdolls.

For some new people or people that are quite in the dark about why, this is because Mangafox steals my effort without permission and post my scanlation effort (i would not call it work because it’s the mangaka’s work) after ripping off my credits and recruitment page included with the chapters, repost my chapters in low quality and put their watermark on MY BLOOD AND SWEAT. With the second chapter of Honey*Buddy, Mangafox are so rude that they even did not include the translated cover of chapter 2 just because there was our logo on the page. FUCKING ASSHOLE (sorry the korean in me really just want to let rip tons of curses) I am just feeling extremely pissed because I worked on the whole chapter by myself from translating, typesetting, cleaning, etc

I do not want to watermark all over the chapters, I have came across chapters like that from my time as a reader, in my opinion, it is unpleasant and it ruined both the scanlator and mangaka’s effort.

However, with further releases from now on, I will one up them… Watermarking all over the pages are not an option really. I want the aesthetic of the original work to be preserved as much as possible.

Therefore, big fuck you mangafox & NOEZ, i hope you choke on the money you earned by ripping off others. 

/end rant.Â