Category Archives: recruitment

Recruitment Update & Welcome Two more members!

Paperdolls welcome Claude and Noodlepanda our 2 new editors.

We have enough editors for now, Really needing Japanese to English translators and typesetters.

Come join us, we won’t bite, at least I won’t 😀

*Puts on serious face* … Now, we are really having a momentum going here, but it is so hard to recruit people. We really need your help so we can pick up more series and create releases faster. It is my first time doing scanlation not to mention managing a group, I am learning with everyone as I go along, and I think that is really fun. Seeing us working earnestly on the titles makes me feel energized, seeing the girls gets excited over fresh chapters makes me feel motivated to debind my manga faster and faster. well then, do we sounds fun? I hope the mood over here is being conveyed through….